Health of students

Policy documents and templates outlining the responsibilities of the school and parents in supporting all students. This includes students with a health care plan or notified medical condition.

Health of students policy

Health care plans

Health care plans may be developed and used in conjunction with specific health management plans.

Specific health topics:

Anaphylaxis management in schools

Follow the Best practice guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management in schools, developed by The National Allergy Council, a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia.

The national Schools - Allergy Aware website provides links to the Best practice guidelines, supporting resources and other evidence-based resources for schools and education and care services.

The Asthma Foundation NT provides face-to-face Asthma Aware, Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management training. For more information, go to the Asthma Foundation Northern Territory website.

Asthma management in schools

Follow the national asthma guidelines for Australian schools, plus support documentation.

The Asthma Foundation NT provides face-to-face Asthma Aware, Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management training. For more information, go to the Asthma Foundation Northern Territory website.

Condom provision in school

Diabetes management

Drugs in schools

Schools must be prepared for situations where students may be suspected of possession, supply or use of drugs.

Follow the following policy documents for management of drug-related incidents in schools.

Epilepsy management

Head lice

The appropriate management of head lice is an important aspect of student health and wellbeing.

These guidelines are intended to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach in the management and control of head lice throughout Northern Territory (NT) Government schools and preschools.

Read the head lice management guidelines:

Head lice management guidelines PDF (447.5 KB)
Head lice management guidelines DOCX (70.1 KB).

Schools can also use the following letter templates:

Infectious diseases – exclusions from both schools and preschools

Schools must take all reasonable steps to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

Read the infectious diseases - exclusion from school policy.

Notified medical conditions - administration of medication

If a student has chronic or severe medical conditions, they may need regular or periodic administration of medication while at school.

The policies and procedures on this page outline the responsibilities of the school, parents and students.

Policy and procedure:

Form and templates:

School nutrition and healthy eating

Read the following policy documents regarding school nutrition and healthy eating.

Policy and guidelines

Supporting documents

Sun safety in schools

Read the sun safety in schools policy DOCX (1.1 MB).

You can also use the following resources:

Vaccination programs in NT schools

Volatile substance abuse


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