Policy and advisory library A to Z

Find operational policies and guidance for all Northern Territory (NT) Government schools below. They're aimed at school-based staff, leaders and committees.

You can also find policies by category.


Administration of medications to students with notified medical conditions

Alcohol consumption on department premises

Allocation of government school education

Amalgamation or closure of a government school

Anaphylaxis management in schools

Animals in schools

Asbestos in schools

Assistance animals

Asthma management in schools

Attendance - see Student enrolment and attendance


Back to school payments

Behaviour and wellbeing

Bilingual education


Career education

Cash benchmark - part of the FARMS manual

Chaplaincy services in schools

Child safety

Codes of conduct for education sites and workplace participants

Community use of school facilities

Complaints management

Condom provision in schools

Conflict of interest

Contractors entering Northern Territory Government schools

Curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification policy: early childhood to year 12


Data access

Detention and internal suspension

Diagnostic assessment, students with disability

Disability equipment funding program

Distance education

Digital applications

Drones in schools

Drugs in schools

Duty of care


Early childhood transition to school

Emergency management

English as an additional language or dialect - see Curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification

Enrolment - see Student enrolment and attendance

Equine safety



External providers engaged for teaching and learning in schools - see Curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification


Families as first teachers

FARMS manual


Gifted and talented education -  see Curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification


Handheld scanners in schools

Head lice (nits) management

Health of students

Home education


Indigenous languages and cultures - see Curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification

Infectious diseases

Information statement

Insurance guidelines for vocational work placements

Intensive English unit

Internet subsidy scheme


Landscaping and trees


Mature age student enrolment

Mandatory reporting of harm and exploitation of children

Maritime safety

Medications for notified conditions

Mobile phones in schools - see Student mobile phones in government schools


Naming of Northern Territory Government schools and places in schools

National Disability Insurance Scheme for schools

National Student Wellbeing Program


Online environment - safe use in preschool


Personal digital devices in educational environments

Police in schools



Public emergency shelter


Quality assurance of learning and assessment planning


Recording and reporting student injuries

Registration of a non-government school

Reporting of alleged misconduct of a teacher

Risk assessment - read about preschool specific policy and procedures


School representative bodies

Safety in school sport

School uniforms and dress codes

School preparedness

School sport safety

School swimming, water safety and aquatic activities early years to Year 12

Sexual behaviour in children

Smoke-free premises

School nutrition and health eating

Student assistance schemes

Student health, safety, wellbeing and behaviour

Student mobile phones in government schools

Student reports – information management and archiving guidelines

Students with disability

Suitable text and media resources in schools

Sun safety in schools

Suspension from school guidelines

Swimming and water safety education in schools Years 1 to 6


Temporary school site closure

Transition from school for students with disability

Transport for students

Trespass on school premises


Vaccination programs

Vocational education and training (VET) delivered to secondary students

Vocational work placement

Volatile substance abuse (VSA)


Weapons in schools

Work experience

Working with children clearance notices (Ochre cards)

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