Students with disabilities

Diagnostic assessment

Disability equipment funding program

The Department of Education and Training’s disability equipment funding program provides equipment to children with disabilities in Northern Territory Government schools to facilitate inclusion in the classroom and the attainment of educational goals.

Requests for funding can be lodged at any time of the year, whenever equipment is needed. Read the guidelines and procedures as well as supporting documents for more information.

Transition from school for students with disability

National Disability Insurance Scheme for schools

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for Australians with disabilities, their families and carers.

The NDIS information packages for NT Government schools below have the appropriate documentation needed for families, providers and schools.

Information package for families

The following documents are designed to help the families of students who are NDIS participants to make decisions on how they can engage with NDIS on school premises during school hours.

Information package for providers

The following documents are designed to help NDIS registered providers to make decisions on how they can deliver services on school premises during school hours.

Download individual documents:

Information package for schools

The following documents are designed to help Northern Territory Government schools make decisions on how they engage with families and NDIS registered providers.

Full information package for schools

Download individual documents:


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