Northern Territory Board of Studies (NTBOS) awards
Nominations for the 2024 academic year are now open and will close on 8 November 2024.
The Northern Territory Board of Studies (NTBOS) holds annual award ceremonies to recognise the achievements of students in government and non-government schools across the Northern Territory (NT)
The awards ceremonies take place in the first two weeks of February each year in Alice Springs and Darwin.
In addition to awards for the Territory's Top 20 NT Certificate of Education and Training completers, merit awards for Stage 2 board-accredited subjects and industry-sponsored awards, schools can nominate students for the following awards:
- Administrator's Medal
- School-based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
- Vocational Education and Training Awards
- Karmi Sceney Aboriginal Excellence and Leadership Awards
- Sally Bruyn Senior Primary School Science award.
Award categories, criteria and nominations
Read below to find out more about awards including criteria and nomination processes.
Nominations for the 2024 academic year will close on 8 November 2024.
Administrator's Medal
The Administrator’s Medal is awarded to recognise scholastic achievement at the senior primary and senior middle school levels and will be presented to winning students at NTBOS award ceremonies which are held in Alice Springs and Darwin in February each year.
The prestigious Administrator’s Medal is awarded to one student from Year 6 and one student from Year 9, selected from across all Northern Territory government and non-government schools. A panel will decide the two winners to receive the Administrator’s Medal.
All students nominated will receive an acknowledgement certificate signed by the Chair NTBOS and the Administrator of the Northern Territory.
The criteria for this medal are:
- academic achievement
- outstanding behaviour
- outstanding citizenship and concern for others
- personal statement from the applicant.
The criteria must be addressed and all nominations should be typed if possible. Additional pages may be added to the nomination form if required. School principals will be advised of the outcome before the end of the school year.
Complete the nomination form and return it to the NTBOS Advisor by email
GTNT Group School-based Apprentice or Trainee Award
The School-based Apprentice or Trainee award is for senior secondary students who are due to complete a Certificate II or have partially completed a Certificate III qualification, and are due to complete their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training by December in the year of the award.
This award is sponsored by GTNT Group and consists of a certificate and $1000.
Each school/college principal is invited to encourage students to nominate for this award.
The award will be presented at the NTBOS student award presentation ceremonies that are held each year in Alice Springs and Darwin to publicly recognise Territory students for their education and training achievements.
Complete the nomination form and return it to the NTBOS Advisor by email
Vocational Education and Training Awards
The Vocational Education and Training (VET) awards are for:
- students who commenced Year 11 in the year of the award, and are undertaking or have completed a VET program as part of their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) in that year; and
- for students who commenced Year 12 in the year of the award and have completed a VET program and their NTCET or anticipated completing their NTCET in the year of the award.
Note: The VET awards are for students undertaking VET programs/training only as part of their NTCET. A separate award is provided for School-Based Apprentices or Trainees.
There are two awards - one for best overall Year 11 student and one for best overall Year 12 student. The VET awards consist of a certificate and $500.
The VET awards are intended to encourage and recognise senior secondary students who have demonstrated a high level of commitment, skill and achievement whilst undertaking a VET program as part of their NTCET.
Each school/college principal is invited to encourage students who are completing a VET program at their school/college, to nominate for either the Year 11 or Year 12 award.
The awards will be presented at the NTBOS student award ceremonies that are held in February each year to publicly recognise Territory students for their education and training achievements.
Complete the nomination form and return it to the NTBOS Advisor by email
Karmi Sceney Urban and Remote Aboriginal Excellence and Leadership awards
The Karmi Sceney Urban and Remote Aboriginal Excellence and Leadership awards acknowledge excellence in the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) and recognise a student’s development and demonstration of their capabilities as they have undertaken their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training
There are two awards – one for urban and one for remote students. The awards consist of a certificate and $500.
To be eligible for the awards, students must:
- identify as Aboriginal
- be enrolled in a Northern Territory government or non-government school
- receive the award in the year that they first complete the NTCET
- have been nominated by their school (only one nominee per school is accepted).
A selection panel will assess nominations.
Complete the nomination form and return it to the NTBOS Advisor by email
Sally Bruyn Senior Primary School Science award
To be eligible for the Sally Bruyn Senior Primary School Science award, students must be in year six. Teachers provide a statement demonstrating the student’s achievement against the criteria of academic achievement in Science and demonstration of interest and effort in Science. The award consists of a certificate and $250. A selection panel will consider nominations.
The award is presented in February of each year, at either the Darwin or Alice Springs Northern Territory Board of Studies student award ceremony, depending on the location of the winning student.
Complete the nomination form and return it to the NTBOS Advisor by email
Previous winners
- 2024 Award winners PDF (446.9 KB)
- 2023 Award winners PDF (467.5 KB)
- 2022 Award winners PDF (454.6 KB)
- 2021 Award winners PDF (474.9 KB)
- 2020 Award winners PDF (557.9 KB)
- 2019 Award winners PDF (101.4 KB)
- 2018 Award winners PDF (222.8 KB)
- 2017 Award winners PDF (79.8 KB)
- 2016 Award winners PDF (129.2 KB)
- 2015 Award winners PDF (53.9 KB)
- 2014 Award winners PDF (131.7 KB)
- 2013 Award winners PDF (24.9 KB)
- 2012 Award winners PDF (23.6 KB)
- 2011 Award winners PDF (25.4 KB)
- 2010 Award winners PDF (25.9 KB)
You can find out more about the awards and the nomination process by either:
- phone: 08 8944 9204
- email:
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