Support for teachers

  • VET for Secondary Students
    Resources for careers education, work experience and vocational education and training for secondary students (VETfSS).
  • Early childhood transitioning to school
    Information packages developed to support Northern Territory schools to develop, implement and review their transitioning processes.
  • Early years learning framework
    A national document for educators working in the birth to five year age group.
  • eLearn
    eLearn is an interactive website providing high-quality resources to support teaching, learning and school improvement.
  • Families as First Teachers
    A link to more information about the Families as First Teachers (FaFT) program for early learning and family support for remote Indigenous families.
  • Indigenous languages and culture: curriculum resources
    Resources for teachers for Indigenous language and culture.
  • NT Social and Emotional Learning
    Resources that cover key topics affecting students’ social and emotional wellbeing, including emotional literacy, personal strengths, positive coping, problem solving, stress management, help seeking, gender and identity, and positive gender relationships.
  • NT Early Years Curriculum Guide: Preschool
    A link to the updated Early Years Curriculum Guide: Preschool resource guide (formerly NT Preschool Curriculum).
  • NTSchools account for teachers
    How to access the ntschools website and obtain an ntschools account.
  • National and international assessments
    Information on national and international assessments.
  • Orientation and induction for teachers
    Information about support for teachers to meet their professional development and career needs while supporting teacher wellbeing.
  • Policies for schools
    Find operational policies and guidance for schools from the department’s Policy and advisory library.
  • Preschool STEM games
    Math games linked to the preschool curriculum which provide teachers with examples of age appropriate play-based mathematics activities.
  • Professional learning
    A link to the Northern Territory professional learning website for teachers.
  • Remote schools pathway grant
    Grant for remote schools to support students with a disability when they leave school.
  • STEM in the Territory Strategy 2018-2022
    Information about the Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) program and how to access the STEM strategy.
  • Special education courses
    Online courses for school leaders, teachers and support staff working in special education.
  • Student diversity
    Northern Territory schools are proud hosts to 50 per cent of students who have a language background other than English. Schools in the Northern Territory promote educational adjustments to 27 percent of students to meet their learning needs and provide access to the Australian curriculum.
  • Work experience
    Provide opportunities for students to explore the world of work and future career options.
  • Graduate Teacher Program
    Resources for careers education, work experience and vocational education and training for secondary students (VETfSS).

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