Remote schools pathway grant
The remote schools pathway grant helps remote schools develop work experience and enterprise programs for students with a disability.
This is to prepare them for employment and community participation after they leave school.
What can be funded
The activities funded are dependent on available resources, skill sets and aspirations within the community and must:
- emphasise teaching and modelling of skills that encourage students with a disability to participate in community projects and initiatives
- contribute to positive student outcomes against the Australian Curriculum general capabilities and key learning areas including English and society and environment (SOSE) or senior years program
- foster strong links with the broader community and encourage skill development in areas that provide realistic pathways as students move from school to adult life
- have employment skills embedded within the program.
All students involved in the project must have a current individual transition plan.
How to apply
To apply, follow these steps:
Step 1. Fill in the remote schools pathway grant application DOCX (677.2 KB).
Step 2. Submit the application by mail or email:
Inclusion Advisor
Transition from School
Department of Education of Training
GPO Box 4821
Darwin NT 0801
If you receive a grant
Reporting and acquittal will need to be completed every 6 months until the end of the term of the grant or at the completion of the project and funds utilised, whichever comes first.
Grants usually run for 18 months. This gives schools time to set up the project, run the project and use the funds before final acquittal.
You must submit these reports signed by your school principal:
If your budget exceeds the value of the grant, your school will be responsible to meet the additional expense.
Upload the completed report and acquittal to GrantsNT.
For more information, contact the Inclusion Advisor by calling 0499 393 344 or emailing
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