Quality Education and Care NT

Quality Education and Care Northern Territory (QECNT) is the regulatory authority responsible for administering the National Quality Framework (NQF) across the Northern Territory (NT).

QECNT is part of the NT Department of Education. Its key roles include monitoring compliance, conducting assessment and quality rating visits, and undertaking incident and complaint investigations.

Current identified areas of support

Authorised officers are noting similar trends across services through April – June 2024.

The current trends relate to not having the required risk assessments and requirements relating to the safe arrival of children in accordance with Regulation 102AA-AAC and not conducting emergency and evacuation rehearsals in accordance with Regulation 97.

There has also been an increase in investigations and serious incidents relating to inadequate supervision and inappropriate interactions with children. This includes subjecting children to harm and hazard, and inappropriate discipline.

It is recommended that all services ensure they are familiar with the requirements of regulations relating to these areas.

The following links and fact sheets may assist:

Please note that these requirements apply to all services approved under the Education and Care Services National Law, including OSHC and preschools.

Implementation of the National Quality Framework in the Northern Territory

On 1 January 2012, regulation of long day care, family day care, 3 year old kindergarten, preschools and outside school hours care services under the Education and Care Services (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations commenced in the NT.

QECNT continues to work with service providers to increase their knowledge and understanding of the regulatory requirements and support continuous improvement.

QECNT works closely with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), the organisation responsible for ensuring the NQF is applied consistently across Australia.

Key changes

Reduced notice period assessment and rating

Reduced notice period assessment and rating is now in force for all approved services in the NT. The trial period for term 1 has concluded.

A range of process changes have taken place to ensure the focus remains on assessing your current service quality and limiting any impact to staffing to provide you the best opportunity to share your day-to-day practice with the authorised officer.

It is important to remember that all services in scope of the National Law and approved under the National Law are all legislatively required to undergo the same assessment and rating process. This is not a decision made by QECNT itself, rather a requirement of the National Law. This includes preschool, long daycare, outside school hours care and family day care services.

Assessment and rating intro period survey outcomes

Through the reduced notice period providers and service leadership team in addition to staff were asked to contribute to a survey to ensure processes met the needs of service.

The key points from the survey responses to share included:

  • The reduced timeframe reduced stress and supported educator wellbeing, with a shorter lead time to ‘stress’ and ‘worry’ about the visit.
  • The reduced number of documents being required prior to the visit, assisted in preparation. However, comments were made about ensuring the authorised officer takes the time to view the documents at the service that are prepared for the visit.
  • Educators also commented that the shorter lead time allowed for ‘less time to overthink things’ and ‘less time to feel anxious’.

Through both provider and educator responses, overall, the majority of the feedback on the processes used were positive and supported demonstrating the current practice at the service.


For further information or clarification, contact Quality Education and Care Northern Territory on 08 8999 3561 or qualityecnt.det@education.nt.gov.au.


There were several updates and changes to the Regulations in 2023 and early 2024.

These included updates to sleep and rest requirements and transportation requirements.

For details of these changes and how they affect your service, go to the ACECQA website.

Below are clarifications on issues that have been raised about the regulation amendments.

Assessment and rating

QECNT has implemented reduced timeframes for assessment and rating in 2024.

Services will be provided with at least 7 days notice before an assessment and rating visit.

The QIP and staffing records document will be due 48 hours after the commencement phone call.

It is expected that the reduced notice period will positively affect educator wellbeing and provide a true snapshot of current practice in services.

For more information on the process, read the reduced notice period document PDF (152.0 KB) and QECNT policies and procedures below.

Early Years Learning Framework v2

Effective 1 February 2024, version 2 is considered the approved learning framework.

For more details, go to the ACECQA website.


The new regulation amendments will include new workforce requirements which are expected to be launched this year, guidance will be provided in addition to a meeting to discuss and unpack with the sector.

QECNT are unable to resolve any workforce issues/shortages within the confines of their role as a regulatory authority, however, this message is a recurring theme that we hear from the sector and those concerns are communicated to persons within the wider Department of Education that are examine workforce issues.

QECNT are happy to assist services on an individual and case-by-case basis to examine what types of relief or assistance we can provide within a regulatory context.

Support programs

QECNT is not aware of any support programs for new educators joining the sector, however we are happy to assist any new or existing educators who contact us.

We are also happy to attend staff meetings or other forums with individual services or to provide support and advice to individuals in line with service requirements.

ACECQA have range of eLearning modules to support both new providers and new educators in becoming familiar with the sector including knowledge of the regulatory requirements. Refer to links below on the ACECQA website:

The National Quality Framework (NQF) is a unified, national regulatory and quality assurance system for early childhood and school age education and care services. It was established in 2012 and applies to most long day care, family day care, kindergarten, preschool and outside schools hours care services.

This system:

  • works to provide children with the best start in life
  • promotes best practice, raises quality and drives continuous improvement in education and care services
  • streamlines the administration and regulation of education and care services
  • ensures services meet the needs of families
  • provides parents with information about the quality of the services their children attend.

If you are a provider of early childhood education and care services, there are certain incidents, complaints and changes of information that you need to report.

You can find out more about laws and regulations on the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority website.

Decide if you need to report

Answer the questions below to find out if you need to make a notification and the timeframe you have for making the report.

Reports need to be made to Quality Education and Care Northern Territory (QECNT) through the National Quality Agenda IT System.

Quality Education and Care NT (QECNT) is the Regulatory Authority for Northern Territory (NT) education and care services.

Approved Providers have an obligation under the National Law to notify QECNT of certain incidents, complaints and changes of information.

This Notification Decision Tool (NDT) will help Approved Providers and Approved Services decide whether a notification is required and the timeframe in which that notification should be made.

If a notification is needed, the NDT will direct you to the National Quality Agenda IT System to sign in and lodge the correct online form. When completing a notification, please include as much detail as possible, so QECNT can quickly and accurately assess what (if any) action needs to be taken as a result of your notification.

If you make a notification that is not required under the law, it will be re-categorised as 'non-regulatory' and no further action will be taken. You will receive an email from your regional office explaining why it was considered non-regulatory.

Please note that information contained in the NDT is for general guidance only and you must consider the specific circumstances of each incident against the requirements of the legislation when you are making a decision about whether to notify.

NOTE: Under the National Law it is the Approved Providers’ responsibility to ensure that notification requirements are met. Approved Providers often delegate the responsibility for making certain notifications to the Approved Service. In such instances, Approved Providers must ensure that the Approved Service is aware of their delegated notification.

QECNT must be notified when incidents occur at a service such as a serious incident, an incident which requires a service to close or reduce numbers or any circumstances that arise at a service which poses a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of children.

This notification is about: An incident

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any incident involving serious injury or trauma to a child while the child is attending an approved service and:

  • the child required urgent medical attention from a registered medical practitioner; or
  • the child attended a hospital; or
  • the child should have attended a hospital.

For example, a broken limb.

For more information, see section 7.3 of ACECQA’s Guide to the National Quality Framework, Operational Requirements.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any incident involving serious illness of a child occurring while that child is being educated and cared for by an approved service and where the child attended, or should have attended, a hospital.

For example, severe asthma attack, seizure or anaphylaxis reaction.

For more information, see section 7.3 of ACECQA’s Guide to the National Quality Framework, Operational Requirements.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT as soon as practicable but within 24 hours of the death, or time the person becomes aware of the death.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes the death of a child while being education and cared for by an approved service, or following an incident while being educated and cared for by an approved service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any incident for which emergency services attended the service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any circumstance where a child being educated and cared for by an approved service appears to be missing or cannot be accounted for.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of the any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any circumstance where a child being educated and cared for by an approved service appears to have been taken or removed from the service premises in a manner that contravenes the National Regulations.

Regulation 99(4) of the National Regulations provides the requirements for allowing a child who is being educated and cared for by an approved service to leave the service premises.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of the any serious incident occurring at the approved education and care service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

This list includes any circumstance where a child being educated and cared for by an approved service is mistakenly locked in or out of the service premises or any part of the premises.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes any incident where there is cause to reasonably believe that physical abuse of a child or children has occurred or is occurring while being educated and cared for by the approved service.

Special Note: section 26(1) of the Northern Territory Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 also requires the mandatory reporting of any reasonable belief that a child is being, or has been, abused or neglected. Go to: https://nt.gov.au/law/crime/report-child-abuse for further details.

Next Steps

  1. Make a mandatory report to the:
    • Northern Territory Police: 131 444 (000 in an emergency); or
    • Child Abuse Hotline: 1800 700 250
  2. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  3. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes allegations that physical or sexual abuse of a child or children has occurred or is occurring while being educated and cared for by the approved service (other than an allegation that has been notified under 174(2)(b) of the National Law).

Special Note: section 26(1) of the Northern Territory Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 also requires the mandatory reporting of any reasonable belief that a child is being, or has been, abused or neglected. Go to: https://nt.gov.au/law/crime/report-child-abuse for further details.

Next Steps

  1. Make a mandatory report to the:
    • Northern Territory Police: 131 444 (000 in an emergency); or
    • Child Abuse Hotline: 1800 700 250
  2. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  3. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and include details of the mandatory report and any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes incidents such as a flood or fire that requires the education and care service premises (or part thereof) to close while repairs are undertaken or reduce the number of children attending for a period of time.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of becoming aware of the incident.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes any circumstances arising at the service that pose a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of a child or children attending the service.

For more information, see section 7.3 of ACECQA’s Guide to the National Quality Framework, Operational Requirements.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete I01 Notification of Incident form and provide any required attachments.

QECNT must be notified when a service receives a complaint that the National Law has been breached, or that a serious incident has occurred or is occurring while a child was, or is, being educated and cared for by the service.

This notification is about: A complaint

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 12 of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT as soon as practicable but within 24 hours of the complaint.

See More

Section 174(2)(b) requires that QECNT is notified of any complaints alleging that a serious incident has occurred, or is occurring, while a child is being educated and cared for at the approved service.

Regulation 12 provides a list of circumstances that are defined as serious incidents under the National Law.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete C01 Notification of Complaints form.

Section 174(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT as soon as practicable but within 24 hours of the complaint.

See More

Section 174(2)(b) requires that QECNT is notified of any complaints alleging that the National Law has been breached.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete C01 Notification of Complaints form.

A notification must be made to QECNT when certain information about a service changes.

This notification is about: Changes to an Approved Service

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes any change to the hours and days of operation of the education and care service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 173(2)(c) requires that QECNT be notified of any proposed change to the education and care service premises of an approved education and care service (other than a family day care residence).

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days of the change.

See More

Section 173(2)(e) requires that QECNT be notified of a change in the location of the principal office of an approved family day care service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Sections 56(1) and 56(2) of the National Law apply.

Notify QECNT at least 7 days before the new nominated supervisor commences in the role.

If notification during that period is not possible, then not more than 14 days after the new nominated supervisor commences in the role.

See More

Section 56(1) requires that written notice be provided to QECNT if a new nominated supervisor is added to an approved service.

Section 56(2) requires that notice must be given at least 7 days before the individual is to commence work as the nominated supervisor, or if that is not possible, as soon as practicable and not more than 14 days after the individual commences work as the nominated supervisor.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor and include the new nominated supervisor’s written consent to the nomination.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the event.

See More

Section 173(2)(b requires that QECNT be notified if a nominated supervisor of an approved education and care service:

  • ceases to be employed or engaged by the service, or
  • is removed from the role of nominated supervisor, or
  • withdraws consent to the nomination.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of becoming aware.

See More

Section 173(2)(a) requires that QECNT be notified if a nominated supervisor engaged by the service:

  • has their Working with Children Clearance Notice or teacher registration suspended or cancelled
  • is the subject of disciplinary proceedings under an education law of the Northern Territory.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor.

Section 173(1) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days.

See More

Section 173(1)(c) requires that QECNT be notified if an Approved Provider fails to commence operating an education and care service within six months (or within the time agreed with QECNT) after being granted a service approval for the service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change to Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days of the event.

See More

Section 173(1)(c) requires that QECNT be notified if an Approved Provider ceases to operate an approved service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change to Information About an Approved Service.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 174(2)(c) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes any change to the hours and days of operation of the education and care service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 173(2)(c) requires that QECNT be notified of any proposed change to the education and care service premises of an approved education and care service (other than a family day care residence).

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days of the change.

See More

Section 173(2)(e) requires that QECNT be notified of a change in the location of the principal office of an approved family day care service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change of Information About an Approved Service.

Sections 56(1) and 56(2) of the National Law apply.

Notify QECNT at least 7 days before the new nominated supervisor commences in the role.

If notification during that period is not possible, then not more than 14 days after the new nominated supervisor commences in the role.

See More

Section 56(1) requires that written notice be provided to QECNT if a new nominated supervisor is added to an approved service.

Section 56(2) requires that notice must be given at least 7 days before the individual is to commence work as the nominated supervisor, or if that is not possible, as soon as practicable and not more than 14 days after the individual commences work as the nominated supervisor.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor and include the new nominated supervisor’s written consent to the nomination.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the event.

See More

Section 173(2)(b requires that QECNT be notified if a nominated supervisor of an approved education and care service:

  • ceases to be employed or engaged by the service, or
  • is removed from the role of nominated supervisor, or
  • withdraws consent to the nomination.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of becoming aware.

See More

Section 173(2)(a) requires that QECNT be notified if a nominated supervisor engaged by the service:

  • has their Working with Children Clearance Notice or teacher registration suspended or cancelled
  • is the subject of disciplinary proceedings under an education law of the Northern Territory.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete NS02 Notification of Change to Nominated Supervisor.

Section 173(1) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days.

See More

Section 173(1)(c) requires that QECNT be notified if an Approved Provider fails to commence operating an education and care service within six months (or within the time agreed with QECNT) after being granted a service approval for the service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change to Information About an Approved Service.

Section 173(2) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 14 days of the event.

See More

Section 173(1)(c) requires that QECNT be notified if an Approved Provider ceases to operate an approved service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete SA12 Notification of Change to Information About an Approved Service.

A notification must be made to QECNT when certain information about an Approved Provider changes.

This notification is about: Changes to an Approved Provider

Section 174(1) of the National Law applies.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 174(1)(a) requires that QECNT is notified of any change relevant to whether the Approved Provider is a fit and proper person to be involved in the provision of an education and care service.

Approved Provider includes a person with management and control in relation to an education and care service. See section 5(1) of the National Law for a definition of a person with management control.

Fit and Proper – section 13 of the National Law provides the matters to be taken into account when assessing whether a person is fit and proper.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete PA08 Notification of Change of Information About Approved Provider.

Section 174(1) of the National Law and 175(1) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 174(1)(b) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters relating to the Approved Provider.

Regulation 175(1) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes any change to the address of the Approved Provider or the principal office of the Approved Provider, or the contact details of the Approved Provider.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete PA08 Notification of Change of Information About Approved Provider.

Section 174(1) of the National Law and 175(1) of the National Regulations apply.

Notify QECNT within 7 days of the change.

See More

Section 174(1)(b) requires that QECNT is notified of information in respect of any other prescribed matters relating to the Approved Provider.

Regulation 175(1) provides a list of prescribed matters that must be notified to QECNT.

This list includes the appointment of receivers or liquidators or administrators to the Approved Provider or any other matters that affect the financial viability and ongoing operation of the education and care service.

Next Steps

  1. Login to the National Quality Agenda IT System
  2. Complete PA08 Notification of Change of Information About Approved Provider.

QECNT must be notified when a service cares for additional children in an emergency.

This notification is about: Additional children at a service

Is the service providing education and care for additional children?

Is the service a centre-based service?

Educator-to-child ratios do not include children from the same family who attend a centre-based service in an emergency, if they only attend for 2 consecutive days.

Is an additional child or children being provided education and care at the service in an emergency?

Regulation 123(5) provides examples of when additional children from the same family may attend a centre-based service in an emergency for not more than two consecutive days.

See More

Emergency, in relation to a child, means a serious and unexpected short term care emergency that requires the child to be provided with immediate education and care.


A child is determined to be in need of protection under a child protection order.

The parent of a child needs urgent health care that prevents them caring for the child.

Section 174(2) of the National Law and Regulation 175(2) of the National Regulations applies.

Notify the Regulatory Authority within 24 hours of becoming aware of the attendance of an additional child or children.

See More

Section 174(2) An Approved Provider must notify the Regulatory Authority of the following information in relation to the Approved Provider or each approved education and care service operated by the Approved Provider - information in respect of any other prescribed matters.

Regulation 175(2) prescribes the information that must be notified to the Regulatory Authority in relation to the attendance of additional children from the same family in an emergency including - a description of the emergency and a statement by the Approved Provider that the Approved Provider has taken into account the safety, health and well-being of all the children attending the education and care service when deciding to provide education and care to the additional child or children.

If a service is providing education and care to an additional child or children and it is not an emergency then the approved service is not compliant with the National Law.

Is an additional child or children (above the maximum allowed) attending a family day care residence or venue in exceptional circumstances?

Under Regulation 124(5) the Approved Provider of a family day care service may approve, in writing, a family day care educator to educate and care for more than 7 children, or more than 4 children who are preschool age or under, at any one time, in exceptional circumstances.

Regulation 124(6) sets out that exceptional circumstances exist where:

  • all the children being educated and cared for are siblings in the same family


  • the child is determined to be in need of protection under child protection law and the family day care educator is determined to be the best person to educate and care for the child


  • the family day care residence or approved family day care venue is in a rural or remote area and no alternative education and care service is available.

The Approved Provider must give written permission to the family day care educator and ensure all children being educated and cared for by the family day care educator are adequately supervised at all times.

If a service is providing education and care to an additional child or children and there are no exceptional circumstances, then the approved service is not compliant with the National Law.

No notification required.

The following resources provide valuable information to services, educators and assessors in understanding and implementing the National Quality Standard.

Induction to the National Quality Framework 
Induction to the National Quality Framework for new educators
National approved learning frameworks 
Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia for educators
My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia for educators
Guide to the National Quality Standard for services and assessors
Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia for educators
Guide to Developing a Quality Improvement Plan for services
Quality assessment tools 
National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Instrument for assessors and services
Guide to Assessment and Rating for Services for services
Learning modules and other resources 
E-learning modules on the National Quality Framework for new educators
E-learning modules for approved providers for approved providers
E-learning modules on governance and management for Approved Providers for approved providers
E-learning modules for OSHC Supervision for approved providers
E-learning videos for educators and providers for educators and providers
Australian Government Department of Education and Training: Early Years Learning Framework for services, families and assessors
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) for services, families and assessors
StartingBlocks.gov.au I Early Childhood Education & Carefor families

In 2017, QECNT launched the Spotlight on Qualty – Early Childhood Services Driving Quality Every Day Project.

The project aimed to identify and showcase quality education and care in the Northern Territory in order to promote and drive quality practice.

One initiative of this project was to produce vignettes that showcase high quality practice in specific quality areas.

QECNT also keeps a ‘Lighthouse Services’ register and can provide contacts with services who are exceeding in certain areas of the National Quality Standard and are happy to share their practice with others.

Milingimbi Preschool - quality engagement with community services
Transcript DOCX (14.9 KB)

Murraya Child Care Centre - quality physical environment
Transcript DOCX (15.7 KB)

Murrupurtiyanuwu Preschool - quality staffing arrangements in a remote community
Transcript DOCX (14.9 KB)

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