Regulation amendments - your questions answered

Below are clarifications on issues that have been raised about the regulation amendments.

Assessment and rating

QECNT has implemented reduced timeframes for assessment and rating in 2024.

Services will be provided with at least 7 days notice before an assessment and rating visit.

The QIP and staffing records document will be due 48 hours after the commencement phone call.

It is expected that the reduced notice period will positively affect educator wellbeing and provide a true snapshot of current practice in services.

For more information on the process, read the reduced notice period document PDF (152.0 KB) and QECNT policies and procedures below.

Early Years Learning Framework v2

Effective 1 February 2024, version 2 is considered the approved learning framework.

For more details, go to the ACECQA website.


The new regulation amendments will include new workforce requirements which are expected to be launched this year, guidance will be provided in addition to a meeting to discuss and unpack with the sector.

QECNT are unable to resolve any workforce issues/shortages within the confines of their role as a regulatory authority, however, this message is a recurring theme that we hear from the sector and those concerns are communicated to persons within the wider Department of Education that are examine workforce issues.

QECNT are happy to assist services on an individual and case-by-case basis to examine what types of relief or assistance we can provide within a regulatory context.

Support programs

QECNT is not aware of any support programs for new educators joining the sector, however we are happy to assist any new or existing educators who contact us.

We are also happy to attend staff meetings or other forums with individual services or to provide support and advice to individuals in line with service requirements.

ACECQA have range of eLearning modules to support both new providers and new educators in becoming familiar with the sector including knowledge of the regulatory requirements. Refer to links below on the ACECQA website:

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