Secondary Reform Program
We want your feedback on the shift away from middle schools in Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs.
An overview of the proposed changes and a link to the survey are here.
The survey closes on 16 April 2025.
Find more information and complete the survey
The focus of school community engagement this term has been in urban areas.
Engagement with regional, remote and very remote communities will commence next term.
Secondary education in the Northern Territory (NT) is being reformed to support students to complete school and transition into post-school pathways and careers here in the Territory.
The Department of Education and Training is committed to delivering all recommendations from the Secondary Review, and delivering on its vision to provide:
- an excellent and equitable secondary system that supports all students to achieve
- a guaranteed standard of local secondary school provision, and a pathway to Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) completion for all students, regardless of geographic location
- a model of delivery that is differentiated and informed by student and community need and industry pathways
- an engaging learning design that guarantees core literacy, numeracy and work readiness skills and drives improvements in student attendance and wellbeing.