2021 NTCET data

In 2021, 1432 students completed the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). Of this cohort, 973 students studied in government schools and 217 identified as being Aboriginal.

The top Northern Territory (NT) student is Olivia Marie Anderson from Darwin High School with an ATAR of 99.90 and a university aggregate of 89.10.

The top Aboriginal student is Tiana Rose James from Good Shepherd Lutheran College, with an ATAR of 89 and a university aggregate of 75.60.

The NTCET top 20 students were from 8 schools across the NT.

  • The Essington School (8 students)
  • St Philip's College(4 students)
  • Darwin High School(3 students)
  • Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT)(1 student)
  • Palmerston College(1 student)
  • Katherine High School(1 student)
  • Casuarina Senior College(1 student)
  • O'Loughlin Catholic College(1 student).

ATAR scores of the top 20 NT candidates range from 97.50 to 99.90, with a university aggregate range of 83.95 to 89.10.

Download the 2021 NTCET results XLSX (27.5 KB).

Source South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Board post-clerical results release
Date of extract 7/03/2022
NTCET completer Students who attained the NTCET from a government or non-government school during the given year.
Note that one non-Aboriginal student completed through the Department in 2021 and has previously been excluded from reporting, but is included here.
Top 20 The 20 best performing students in the NT, ranked on the basis of university aggregates.
Counting rules 1. Completers are only counted once, at the school through which they obtained their NTCET result.
2. For Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects, only students who completed the subjects are included.
Data supression Details of students in the top 20 have been suppressed where consent was not given to share results publicly.

2021 NTCET completers, by sector

Government 161 812 973
Non-Government 56 403 459
Total 217 1215 1432

Top 20 NTCET completers (2021)

Surname Given Names School NameAggregateATAR
Anderson Olivia Marie Darwin High School 89.1 99.9
Rawsthorne Matthew The Essington School 87.85 99.55
Zeng Bo St Philip's College 87.6 99.4
Sales Daniel Victor The Essington School 86.85 99.2
Rollings Megan Lalasa The Essington School 86.6 99.1
Saynor Jacinta Hayley Casuarina Senior College 86.3 98.95
Strohfeldt Emma Jane The Essington School 86 98.8
Lyngaae Victoria The Essington School 85.95 98.75
Pettit Elisha Claire O'Loughlin Catholic College 85.9 98.75
Rizaldo Sharmayne Saldua Palmerston College 85.85 98.7
Juan Marinelle Rose The Essington School 85.7 98.6
Gazey Sebastian Katherine High School 85.45 98.45
Duffell Max Ronald St Philip's College 85.4 98.4
Haddad Matil Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) 85.4 98.4
Chenhall Owen James St Philip's College 85.05 98.25
Jalota Bani The Essington School 84.85 98.1
Lambrinidis Kyriakos Dominique Darwin High School 84.2 97.75
Sebastian Cyra The Essington School 84.05 97.6
Pascoe Declan Flynn St Philip's College 84 97.55
Wong Jillian Merilyne Darwin High School 83.95 97.5

Stage 1 subject completion, by learning area (2021)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 239 82 321
Creative Arts: Modified 25 5 30
Dance 144 6 150
Drama 69 46 115
Music Advanced 43 24 67
Music Experience 103 27 130
Visual Arts - Art 423 140 563
Visual Arts - Design 173 0 173
Total 1219 330 1549
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 84 26 110
Business Innovation 165 128 293
Business Innovation: Modified 27 0 27
Design, Technology And Engineering: Modified 23 0 23
Digital Communication Solutions 115 69 184
Digital Technologies 154 29 183
Industry And Entrepreneurial Solutions 131 0 131
Information Processing And Publishing 65 0 65
Material Solutions 144 147 291
Robotic And Electronic Systems 41 5 46
Workplace Practices 94 38 132
Total 1043 442 1485
Cross-Disciplinary Community Studies 157 61 218
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 358 0 358
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 32 2 34
Integrated Learning 1781 324 2105
Personal Learning Plan 1401 640 2041
Personal Learning Plan: Modified 50 0 50
Research Practices 15 70 85
Total 3794 1097 4891
English English 1298 863 2161
English As An Additional Language 138 30 168
English: Modified 79 2 81
Essential English 1239 218 1457
Total 2754 1113 3867
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 232 37 269
Food And Hospitality 324 158 482
Health And Wellbeing 303 66 369
Health And Wellbeing: Modified 91 2 93
Outdoor Education 282 127 409
Physical Education 660 229 889
Physical Education: Modified 23 2 25
Total 1915 621 2536
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 52 0 52
Ancient Studies 119 16 135
Economics 10 22 32
Geography 99 35 134
Legal Studies 194 81 275
Media Studies 24 53 77
Modern History 185 135 320
Philosophy 0 34 34
Religion Studies 0 274 274
Society And Culture 37 17 54
Society And Culture: Modified 12 0 12
Tourism 70 0 70
Women'S Studies 29 0 29
Total 831 667 1498
Languages Chinese (Background Speakers) 1 0 1
Chinese (Beginners) 15 0 15
Chinese (Continuers) 30 0 30
French (Beginners) 43 0 43
French (Continuers) 0 7 7
German (Continuers) 0 19 19
Indonesian (Background Speakers) 0 19 19
Indonesian (Beginners) 50 3 53
Indonesian (Continuers) 6 10 16
Italian (Beginners) 54 0 54
Japanese (Beginners) 50 1 51
Japanese (Continuers) 84 18 102
Modern Greek (Continuers) 18 0 18
Spanish (Beginners) 69 0 69
Spanish (Continuers) 2 0 2
Total 422 77 499
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 1052 230 1282
General Mathematics 813 451 1264
Mathematics 562 417 979
Mathematics: Modified 72 2 74
Total 2499 1100 3599
Sciences Agriculture 15 37 52
Biology 451 313 764
Chemistry 349 223 572
Earth And Environmental Science 35 0 35
Nutrition 25 43 68
Physics 295 163 458
Psychology 301 254 555
Scientific Studies 310 70 380
Scientific Studies: Modified 57 0 57
Total 1838 1103 2941
Self-Directed Community Learning Programs Community Development 3 0 3
Independent Living 4 0 4
Performance 5 4 9
Recreation Skills And Management 3 0 3
Self Development 9 1 10
Volunteering 4 7 11
Total 28 12 40
Other Subjects Additional Status 27 4 31
Australian Air Force Cadets 4 2 6
Australian Army Cadets 8 6 14
Australian Music Examinations Board 0 4 4
Development Netball Nt 0 7 7
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 260 77 337
Literacy 23 2 25
Numeracy 23 2 25
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 10 5 15
Sport Skills And Management 7 2 9
St. John Ambulance Australia Cadets 2 3 5
Trinity College London 0 1 1
Work Skills And Career Development 28 4 32
Total 392 119 511

Stage 2 subject completion, by learning area (2021)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 84 21 105
Creative Arts: Modified 0 1 1
Dance 14 3 17
Drama 25 24 49
Music Explorations 23 11 34
Music Performance - Ensemble 17 7 24
Music Performance - Solo 10 9 19
Music Studies 8 1 9
Visual Arts - Art 51 38 89
Visual Arts - Design 18 0 18
Total 250 115 365
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 35 18 53
Business Innovation 58 74 132
Business Innovation: Modified 7 0 7
Digital Communication Solutions 41 13 54
Digital Technologies 28 14 42
Industry And Entrepreneurial Solutions 27 4 31
Information Processing And Publishing 21 0 21
Material Solutions 21 22 43
Robotic And Electronic Systems 19 2 21
Workplace Practices 34 57 91
Workplace Practices A 0 1 1
Workplace Practices B 1 0 1
Total 292 205 497
Cross-Disciplinary Arts And The Community 6 1 7
Communication And The Community 21 3 24
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 11 0 11
Foods And The Community 6 0 6
Health, Recreation, And The Community 9 7 16
Humanities And The Community 181 35 216
Integrated Learning A 84 179 263
Integrated Learning B 152 20 172
Interdisciplinary Learning And The Community 199 37 236
Research Project A 1 0 1
Research Project B 73 29 102
Science, Technology And The Community 1 0 1
Stem And The Community 213 41 254
Work And The Community 14 3 17
Total 971 355 1326
English English 393 281 674
English As An Additional Language 78 7 85
English Literary Studies 99 89 188
English: Modified 27 6 33
Essential English 164 62 226
Total 761 445 1206
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 71 55 126
Food And Hospitality 35 46 81
Health And Wellbeing 115 28 143
Health And Wellbeing: Modified 8 0 8
Outdoor Education 47 40 87
Physical Education 64 66 130
Total 340 235 575
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 32 0 32
Ancient Studies 56 0 56
Economics 7 19 26
Geography 15 10 25
Legal Studies 35 33 68
Media Studies 0 19 19
Modern History 59 26 85
Philosophy 9 8 17
Politics, Power And People 15 0 15
Religion Studies 0 44 44
Society And Culture 46 5 51
Society And Culture: Modified 1 0 1
Women'S Studies 19 0 19
Total 294 164 458
Languages Chinese (Background Speakers) 3 0 3
Chinese (Beginners) 4 0 4
Chinese (Continuers) 8 0 8
Filipino (Continuers) 1 0 1
French (Continuers) 1 0 1
German (Continuers) 0 2 2
Hungarian (Continuers) 1 0 1
Indonesian (Background Speakers) 5 4 9
Indonesian (Beginners) 6 0 6
Indonesian (Continuers) 8 0 8
Italian (Beginners) 10 0 10
Italian (Continuers) 0 1 1
Japanese (Beginners) 7 0 7
Japanese (Continuers) 17 4 21
Korean (Background Speakers) 1 0 1
Korean (Continuers) 2 0 2
Language And Culture: Modified 1 0 1
Modern Greek (Continuers) 3 0 3
Portuguese (Continuers) 2 0 2
Punjabi (Continuers) 2 0 2
Russian (Continuers) 1 0 1
Sinhala (Continuers) 3 0 3
Spanish (Beginners) 11 0 11
Swedish (Continuers) 1 0 1
Vietnamese (Background Speakers) 1 0 1
Total 99 11 110
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 102 45 147
General Mathematics 247 175 422
Mathematical Methods 177 101 278
Mathematics: Modified 24 6 30
Specialist Mathematics 46 26 72
Total 596 353 949
Sciences Agricultural Production 0 6 6
Biology 138 127 265
Chemistry 152 85 237
Earth And Environmental Science 6 0 6
Nutrition 32 33 65
Physics 100 55 155
Psychology 108 111 219
Scientific Studies 50 8 58
Total 586 425 1011
Other Subjects Australian Army Cadets 2 1 3
Australian Music Examinations Board 1 3 4
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 3 11 14
Interstate/Overseas Tas Subject 0 1 1
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 1 2 3
Total 7 18 25

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