2020 NTCET data

In 2020, 1622 students completed the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). Of this cohort, 1124 students studied in government schools and 278 identified as being Aboriginal.

The top Northern Territory (NT) student is Laura Kate Chapman from Darwin High School with an ATAR of 99.85 and a university aggregate of 88.85.

The top Aboriginal student is Georgia Lee Kyranis from Darwin High School, with an ATAR of 96.30 and a university aggregate of 82.45.

The NTCET top 20 students were from 6 schools across the NT.

  • Darwin High School (11 students)
  • The Essington School (4 students)
  • Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) (2 students)
  • Casuarina Senior College (2 students)
  • St Philip's College (1 student)
  • O'Loughlin Catholic College (1 student).

ATAR scores of the top 20 NT candidates range from 97.40 to 99.85, with a university aggregate range of 84 to 88.85.

Download the 2020 NTCET results XLSX (24.0 KB).

Source South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Board post-clerical results release
Date of extract 1/03/2021
NTCET completer Students who attained the NTCET from a government or non-government school during the given year.  
Top 20 The 20 best performing students in the NT, ranked on the basis of university aggregates.
Counting rules 1. Completers are only counted once, at the school through which they obtained their NTCET result.
2. For Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects, only students who completed the subjects are included.
Data supression Details of students in the top 20 have been suppressed where consent was not given to share results publicly.

2020 NTCET completers, by sector

Government 222 902 1124
Non-Government 56 442 498
Total 278 1344 1622

Top 20 NTCET completers (2020)

Surname Given Names School NameAggregateATAR
Chapman Laura Kate Darwin High School 88.85 99.85
Mir Omar The Essington School 88.15 99.6
Savvas Andrew Paul Darwin High School 87.95 99.55
Kievit Benjamin Christofer Darwin High School 87.8 99.45
Kwon Hannah Darwin High School 87.75 99.4
Hardcastle Mia The Essington School 87.3 99.2
Lelis Kieran Janbert St Philip's College 87.3 99.2
Blum Otto Marcus Darwin High School 87.25 99.15
Wijesinghe Nuhansi Savindya Darwin High School 87.1 99.1
Qin Ziyu Nadia Darwin High School 86.7 98.9
Li-Hunnam Jarrod Evan Darwin High School 86.55 98.85
Ajaykumar Atish Darwin High School 85.9 98.55
Tom Basil The Essington School 85.45 98.3
Thai Tan Thanh Casuarina Senior College 85.2 98.1
Stoll Tjina Elisabeth Casuarina Senior College 84.95 97.95
Evans Hannah Elizabeth Darwin High School 84.8 97.85
Van Der Geest Hester Jack Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) 84.8 97.85
Thomas Shaun Sabu Darwin High School 84.55 97.7
Palmer Kayley The Essington School 84.25 97.55
Bett Shawn Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) 84 97.4
Innes Tara Rose O'Loughlin Catholic College 84 97.4

Stage 1 subject completion, by learning area (2020)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 318 16 334
Creative Arts: Modified 14 1 15
Dance 56 8 64
Drama 156 46 202
Music Advanced 34 47 81
Music Experience 139 54 193
Visual Arts - Art 424 136 560
Visual Arts - Design 185 0 185
Total 1326 308 1634
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 88 28 116
Business And Enterprise: Modified 2 2 4
Business Innovation 203 134 337
Digital Communication Solutions 193 52 245
Digital Technologies 180 54 234
Industry And Entrepreneurial Solutions 110 0 110
Information Processing And Publishing 140 1 141
Material Solutions 200 152 352
Robotic And Electronic Systems 48 13 61
Workplace Practices 145 43 188
Total 1309 479 1788
Cross-Disciplinary Community Studies 130 11 141
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 371 0 371
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Local Program 24 0 24
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 11 0 11
Integrated Learning 1340 282 1622
Personal Learning Plan 1375 720 2095
Personal Learning Plan: Modified 31 1 32
Research Practices 51 103 154
Total 3333 1117 4450
English English 1433 920 2353
English As An Additional Language 181 27 208
English: Modified 50 12 62
Essential English 1051 153 1204
Total 2715 1112 3827
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 306 37 343
Food And Hospitality 422 137 559
Health 363 55 418
Health: Modified 46 0 46
Outdoor Education 272 124 396
Physical Education 632 249 881
Total 2041 602 2643
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 66 0 66
Ancient Studies 122 9 131
Economics 13 16 29
Geography 76 51 127
Legal Studies 166 118 284
Media Studies 15 43 58
Modern History 134 140 274
Philosophy 2 23 25
Religion Studies 0 191 191
Society And Culture 72 0 72
Society And Culture: Modified 5 1 6
Tourism 58 0 58
Women'S Studies 43 0 43
Total 772 592 1364
Languages Chinese (Beginners) 20 1 21
Chinese (Continuers) 18 0 18
Filipino (Continuers) 7 0 7
French (Beginners) 21 0 21
German (Continuers) 0 4 4
Hungarian (Continuers) 1 0 1
Indonesian (Beginners) 28 0 28
Indonesian (Continuers) 33 11 44
Italian (Beginners) 34 0 34
Japanese (Beginners) 29 0 29
Japanese (Continuers) 77 15 92
Modern Greek (Continuers) 12 0 12
Russian (Continuers) 2 0 2
Spanish (Beginners) 43 0 43
Total 325 31 356
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 995 229 1224
General Mathematics 877 492 1369
Mathematics 760 400 1160
Mathematics: Modified 50 13 63
Total 2682 1134 3816
Sciences Agriculture 0 32 32
Biology 472 379 851
Chemistry 483 246 729
Earth And Environmental Science 30 1 31
Nutrition 37 77 114
Physics 368 175 543
Psychology 394 295 689
Scientific Studies 448 117 565
Scientific Studies: Modified 27 0 27
Total 2259 1322 3581
Self-Directed Community Learning Programs Community Development 4 0 4
Independent Living 2 0 2
Performance 3 3 6
Recreation Skills And Management 4 0 4
Self Development 15 1 16
Volunteering 1 4 5
Total 29 8 37
Other Subjects Additional Status 41 5 46
Australian Air Force Cadets 2 1 3
Australian Army Cadets 2 2 4
Commonwealth Society Of Teachers Of Dancing 0 2 2
Development Netball Nt 1 13 14
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 212 69 281
Literacy 27 4 31
Numeracy 28 5 33
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 6 5 11
Sa Country Fire Service 0 1 1
Sport Skills And Management 5 1 6
The Equestrian Federation Of Australia 0 2 2
Work Skills And Career Development 26 0 26
Total 350 110 460

Stage 2 subject completion, by learning area (2020)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 147 55 202
Creative Arts: Modified 15 1 16
Dance 41 8 49
Drama 20 21 41
Music Explorations 17 22 39
Music Performance - Ensemble 6 9 15
Music Performance - Solo 7 9 16
Music Studies 5 2 7
Visual Arts - Art 63 43 106
Visual Arts - Design 24 0 24
Total 345 170 515
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 47 20 67
Business And Enterprise 17 30 47
Business And Enterprise: Modified 37 2 39
Business Innovation 48 28 76
Digital Communication Solutions 60 28 88
Digital Technologies 32 5 37
Industry And Entrepreneurial Solutions 38 2 40
Information Processing And Publishing 24 0 24
Material Solutions 29 23 52
Robotic And Electronic Systems 12 0 12
Workplace Practices 65 47 112
Workplace Practices A 6 3 9
Workplace Practices B 0 1 1
Total 415 189 604
Cross-Disciplinary Arts And The Community 28 3 31
Communication And The Community 35 2 37
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 13 0 13
Foods And The Community 22 2 24
Health, Recreation, And The Community 40 14 54
Humanities And The Community 186 27 213
Integrated Learning A 111 130 241
Integrated Learning B 111 114 225
Interdisciplinary Learning And The Community 187 21 208
Research Project A 11 7 18
Research Project B 88 80 168
Research Project: Modified 6 0 6
Science, Technology And The Community 2 1 3
Stem And The Community 186 31 217
Work And The Community 24 13 37
Total 1050 445 1495
English English 392 251 643
English As An Additional Language 83 5 88
English Literary Studies 134 128 262
English: Modified 33 4 37
Essential English 197 84 281
Total 839 472 1311
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 45 24 69
Food And Hospitality 38 34 72
Health 148 38 186
Health: Modified 28 2 30
Outdoor Education 52 44 96
Physical Education 53 71 124
Total 364 213 577
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 41 0 41
Ancient Studies 53 0 53
Economics 1 12 13
Geography 10 8 18
Legal Studies 45 54 99
Media Studies 21 22 43
Modern History 67 42 109
Philosophy 0 14 14
Religion Studies 0 31 31
Society And Culture 61 6 67
Society And Culture: Modified 6 0 6
Women'S Studies 32 0 32
Total 337 189 526
Languages Additional Language - Arrernte 10 0 10
Chinese (Background Speakers) 11 0 11
Chinese (Beginners) 8 2 10
Chinese (Continuers) 10 1 11
Filipino (Continuers) 12 0 12
First Language - Dhuwaya 7 0 7
French (Beginners) 10 0 10
French (Continuers) 0 3 3
German (Continuers) 3 6 9
Hindi (Continuers) 4 0 4
Hungarian (Continuers) 2 0 2
Indonesian (Beginners) 10 0 10
Indonesian (Continuers) 12 7 19
Italian (Beginners) 10 0 10
Japanese (Beginners) 14 0 14
Japanese (Continuers) 20 7 27
Korean (Background Speakers) 1 0 1
Malay (Background Speakers) 1 0 1
Modern Greek (Continuers) 6 0 6
Portuguese (Continuers) 2 0 2
Russian (Continuers) 2 1 3
Sinhala (Continuers) 4 1 5
Spanish (Beginners) 12 0 12
Spanish (Continuers) 3 1 4
Tamil (Continuers) 3 0 3
Total 177 29 206
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 97 50 147
General Mathematics 290 228 518
Mathematical Methods 163 107 270
Mathematics: Modified 32 2 34
Specialist Mathematics 31 20 51
Total 613 407 1020
Sciences Agricultural Production 0 10 10
Biology 126 102 228
Chemistry 152 46 198
Earth And Environmental Science 16 0 16
Nutrition 39 28 67
Physics 91 54 145
Psychology 110 116 226
Scientific Studies 55 5 60
Total 589 361 950
Other Subjects Australian Air Force Cadets 0 1 1
Australian Music Examinations Board 0 1 1
Commonwealth Society Of Teachers Of Dancing 0 1 1
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 7 5 12
Higher Ed Tas Subject 0 1 1
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 1 1 2
Vet Status 2 0 2
Total 10 10 20

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