2018 NTCET data

In 2018, 1375 students completed the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). Of this cohort, 915 students studied in government schools and 197 identified as being Aboriginal.

The top Northern Territory (NT) student is Connor Wade Marshall from Good Shepherd Lutheran College with an ATAR of 99.70 and a university aggregate of 88.30.

The top Aboriginal student is Kaimani Hendry from St Philip's College, with an ATAR of 85 and a university aggregate of 72.45.

The NTCET top 20 students were from 7 schools across the NT.

  • Darwin High School (6 students)
  • St Philip's College (5 students)
  • The Essington School (5 students)
  • Palmerston College (1 student)
  • Good Shepherd Lutheran College (1 student)
  • NT Christian College (1 student)
  • O'Loughlin Catholic College (1 student).

ATAR scores of the top 20 NT candidates range from 97.45 to 99.70, with a university aggregate range of 83.50 to 88.30.

Download the 2018 NTCET results XLSX (27.0 KB).

Source South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Board post-clerical results release
Date of extract 4/03/2019
NTCET completer Students who attained the NTCET from a government or non-government school during the given year.  
Top 20 The 20 best performing students in the NT, ranked on the basis of university aggregates.
Counting rules 1. Completers are only counted once, at the school through which they obtained their NTCET result.
2. For Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects, only students who completed the subjects are included.
Data supression Details of students in the top 20 have been suppressed where consent was not given to share results publicly.

2018 NTCET completers, by sector

Government 142 773 915
Non-Government 55 405 460
Total 197 1178 1375

Top 20 NTCET completers (2018)

Surname Given Names School NameAggregateATAR
Marshall Connor Wade Good Shepherd Lutheran College 88.30 99.70
Mazid Nafi Darwin High School 88.20 99.70
Curry Tahlia The Essington School 87.25 99.40
Boffa Dominic St Philip's College 86.90 99.30
Dale Finlay Andrew Palmerston College 85.65 98.80
Keith Evan Francis Darwin High School 85.30 98.60
Hookey Aidan St Philip's College 85.20 98.60
Sullivan Philip St Philip's College 85.05 98.50
Gurry Morgan Iseabaila Darwin High School 84.80 98.35
Chapman Matthew Alex Darwin High School 84.50 98.15
Orstavik Arne The Essington School 84.45 98.10
Bowden Imogen Tara O'Loughlin Catholic College 84.30 98.00
Haywood Sam St Philip's College 84.15 97.90
Dixon-Campbell Rose The Essington School 84.15 97.90
Stephenson Freya Avril Darwin High School 84.10 97.85
Northcote Andrew Scott Darwin High School 84.00 97.80
Purnell Maddison The Essington School 83.90 97.70
Considine Jenna The Essington School 83.80 97.65
Tabart Chante St Philip's College 83.75 97.60
Beissel Leah Rose NT Christian College 83.50 97.45

Stage 1 subject completion, by learning area (2018)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 331 69 400
Creative Arts: Modified 24 0 24
Dance 138 18 156
Drama 126 59 185
Music Advanced 66 20 86
Music Experience 124 37 161
Visual Arts - Art 488 141 629
Visual Arts - Design 107 4 111
Total 1404 348 1752
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 122 24 146
Business And Enterprise 308 191 499
Business And Enterprise: Modified 26 0 26
Communication Products 252 31 283
Digital Technologies 77 37 114
Information Processing And Publishing 137 4 141
Material Products 148 61 209
Systems And Control Products 53 0 53
Workplace Practices 162 63 225
Total 1285 411 1696
Cross-Disciplinary Community Studies 108 22 130
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 269 13 282
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 0 2 2
Integrated Learning 1063 102 1165
Personal Learning Plan 1505 799 2304
Personal Learning Plan: Modified 29 2 31
Research Practices 65 193 258
Total 3039 1133 4172
English English 1330 963 2293
English As An Additional Language 144 22 166
English: Modified 54 2 56
Essential English 1071 154 1225
Total 2599 1141 3740
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 225 21 246
Food And Hospitality 385 152 537
Health 256 110 366
Health: Modified 39 0 39
Outdoor Education 397 180 577
Physical Education 737 280 1017
Total 2039 743 2782
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 45 0 45
Ancient Studies 118 0 118
Australian And International Politics 16 0 16
Economics 30 24 54
Geography 38 30 68
Legal Studies 185 91 276
Media Studies 45 79 124
Modern History 154 150 304
Philosophy 0 37 37
Religion Studies 0 130 130
Society And Culture 38 0 38
Society And Culture: Modified 4 0 4
Women'S Studies 58 0 58
Total 731 541 1272
Languages Chinese (Background Speakers) 6 0 6
Chinese (Beginners) 22 0 22
Chinese (Continuers) 18 0 18
Filipino (Continuers) 13 0 13
French (Beginners) 21 3 24
French (Continuers) 2 6 8
German (Continuers) 4 15 19
Indonesian (Beginners) 65 0 65
Indonesian (Continuers) 20 14 34
Italian (Beginners) 34 4 38
Italian (Continuers) 2 0 2
Japanese (Beginners) 45 3 48
Japanese (Continuers) 71 16 87
Modern Greek (Continuers) 17 0 17
Spanish (Beginners) 87 0 87
Spanish (Continuers) 21 1 22
Total 448 62 510
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 1193 188 1381
General Mathematics 760 582 1342
Mathematics 577 514 1091
Mathematics: Modified 52 1 53
Total 2582 1285 3867
Sciences Biology 501 424 925
Chemistry 441 321 762
Earth And Environmental Science 44 3 47
Nutrition 25 68 93
Physics 285 243 528
Psychology 319 276 595
Scientific Studies 492 48 540
Scientific Studies: Modified 1 0 1
Total 2108 1383 3491
Self-Directed Community Learning Programs Community Development 2 0 2
Recreation Skills And Management 0 1 1
Self Development 2 2 4
Volunteering 0 1 1
Total 4 4 8
Other Subjects Additional Status 32 9 41
Australian Air Force Cadets 1 0 1
Australian Army Cadets 1 0 1
Australian Business Week 1 0 1
Australian Music Examinations Board 0 1 1
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 192 130 322
Literacy 24 9 33
Numeracy 23 4 27
Operation Flinders 15 0 15
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 6 4 10
Sport Skills And Management 1 2 3
St. John Ambulance Australia Cadets 1 0 1
Work Skills And Career Development 6 3 9
Total 303 162 465

Stage 2 subject completion, by learning area (2018)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Composing And Arranging 8 1 9
Creative Arts 104 28 132
Creative Arts: Modified 0 2 2
Dance 29 6 35
Drama 25 29 54
Ensemble Performance 32 20 52
Music Individual Study 18 7 25
Music Technology 7 0 7
Musical Styles 3 0 3
Musicianship 15 5 20
Performance Special Study 1 1 2
Solo Performance 23 16 39
Visual Arts - Art 76 44 120
Visual Arts - Design 35 3 38
Total 376 162 538
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 40 18 58
Business And Enterprise 98 72 170
Business And Enterprise: Modified 9 2 11
Communication Products I 86 13 99
Communication Products Ii 0 11 11
Information Processing And Publishing 33 10 43
Information Technology 9 9 18
Material Products I 15 14 29
Material Products Ii 0 11 11
Systems And Control Products I 19 0 19
Workplace Practices 41 44 85
Workplace Practices A 5 12 17
Total 355 216 571
Cross-Disciplinary Arts And The Community 9 1 10
Communication And The Community 39 2 41
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 0 14 14
Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Modified 5 1 6
Foods And The Community 11 0 11
Health, Recreation, And The Community 13 7 20
Humanities And The Community 76 2 78
Integrated Learning A 80 73 153
Integrated Learning B 100 91 191
Interdisciplinary Learning And The Community 92 10 102
Research Project B 80 47 127
Science, Technology And The Community 9 1 10
Stem And The Community 48 8 56
Work And The Community 33 27 60
Total 595 284 879
English English 444 229 673
English As An Additional Language 57 15 72
English Literary Studies 99 124 223
English: Modified 8 1 9
Essential English 185 73 258
Total 793 442 1235
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 51 1 52
Food And Hospitality 20 29 49
Health 115 55 170
Health: Modified 4 2 6
Outdoor Education 46 48 94
Physical Education 95 88 183
Total 331 223 554
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 21 1 22
Ancient Studies 34 0 34
Economics 1 10 11
Geography 3 18 21
Legal Studies 45 36 81
Media Studies 21 37 58
Modern History 29 44 73
Philosophy 0 2 2
Religion Studies 0 15 15
Society And Culture 77 14 91
Women'S Studies 20 0 20
Total 251 177 428
Languages Chinese (Background Speakers) 2 0 2
Chinese (Beginners) 1 0 1
Chinese (Continuers) 1 0 1
Filipino (Continuers) 7 0 7
French (Beginners) 9 0 9
French (Continuers) 0 4 4
Hungarian (Continuers) 1 0 1
Indonesian (Beginners) 11 2 13
Indonesian (Continuers) 20 17 37
Italian (Beginners) 9 1 10
Italian (Continuers) 1 0 1
Japanese (Beginners) 6 1 7
Japanese (Continuers) 18 12 30
Modern Greek (Continuers) 11 0 11
Spanish (Beginners) 16 0 16
Spanish (Continuers) 3 0 3
Total 116 37 153
Mathematics Essential Mathematics 106 72 178
General Mathematics 300 190 490
Mathematical Methods 124 111 235
Mathematics: Modified 4 1 5
Specialist Mathematics 26 26 52
Total 560 400 960
Sciences Biology 150 117 267
Chemistry 121 85 206
Earth And Environmental Science 23 0 23
Nutrition 40 26 66
Physics 90 56 146
Psychology 96 95 191
Scientific Studies 123 3 126
Total 643 382 1025
Other Subjects Additional Status 1 0 1
Australian Music Examinations Board 0 2 2
Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc 1 0 1
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 2 4 6
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 1 0 1
Trinity College London 0 1 1
Total 5 7 12

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