2011 NTCET data

In 2011, 1160 students completed the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). Of this cohort, 834 students studied in government schools and 152 identified as being Aboriginal.

The top Northern Territory (NT) student is Jarrad Robert Dickson from Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) with an ATAR of 99.95 and a university aggregate of 79.40.

The top Aboriginal student is Alana Louise Manhire from Casuarina Senior College, with an ATAR of 96.75 and a university aggregate of 73.20.

The NTCET top 20 students were from 6 schools across the NT.

  • Darwin High School (9 students)
  • Casuarina Senior College (8 students)
  • Taminmin College (1 student)
  • St Philip's College (1 student)
  • St John's Catholic College (1 student)
  • Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) (1 student).

ATAR scores of the top 20 NT candidates range from 98.05 to 99.95, with a university aggregate range of 74.60 to 79.40.

Download the 2011 NTCET results XLSX (29.8 KB).

Source South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) Board post-clerical results release
Date of extract 5/03/2012
NTCET completer Students who attained the NTCET from a government or non-government school during the given year.  
Top 20 The 20 best performing students in the NT, ranked on the basis of university aggregates.
Counting rules 1. Completers are only counted once, at the school through which they obtained their NTCET result.
2. For Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects, only students who completed the subjects are included.
Data supression Details of students in the top 20 have been suppressed where consent was not given to share results publicly.

2011 NTCET completers, by sector

Government 109 725 834
Non-Government 43 283 326
Total 152 1008 1160

Top 20 NTCET completers (2011)

Surname Given Names School NameAggregateATAR
Dickson Jarrad Robert Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic College (NT) 79.40 99.95
Gaggin Declan James Darwin High School 78.40 99.80
Baker Felix Matthew Dunsford Darwin High School 77.80 99.60
TIECK Natalie Lynette St Philip's College 77.40 99.20
Giese Dominique Nan Darwin High School 77.20 99.20
Liddle Nerida Rose Darwin High School 76.90 99.20
Mu Monica Casuarina Senior College 76.60 99.10
Ung David Taminmin College 76.40 99.00
Schmidt Belinda Anne Casuarina Senior College 76.20 98.65
Cosentino Stevie Brooke Casuarina Senior College 75.80 98.65
Lopez Clarisa Lucy Darwin High School 75.80 98.65
Chunatu Sunil Kumar Shinoi Casuarina Senior College 75.80 98.65
Lee Paul Ching-Hua Casuarina Senior College 75.60 98.65
Mu Brandon Casuarina Senior College 76.60 99.10
Chin Amy Shu Yi Darwin High School 75.40 98.50
Luders Fletcher Owen Casuarina Senior College 75.20 98.40
Singh-Freeman Kartikeya Alexander Darwin High School 75.20 98.40
Batton Bonnie Jean St John's Catholic College 75.10 98.35
Thompson Lauren Kate Darwin High School 74.80 98.15
Proft Max William Erich Darwin High School 74.60 98.05
Harbison Annabelle Mathilda Casuarina Senior College 74.60 98.05

Stage 1 subject completion, by learning area (2011)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Creative Arts 291 60 351
Dance 135 33 168
Drama 180 61 241
Music Advanced 3 31 34
Music Experience 289 50 339
Visual Arts - Art 663 148 811
Visual Arts - Design 210 59 269
Total 1771 442 2213
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 115 29 144
Business And Enterprise 313 157 470
Communication Products 295 75 370
Information Processing And Publishing 263 30 293
Information Technology 108 52 160
Material Products 165 56 221
Systems And Control Products 21 0 21
Workplace Practices 103 75 178
Total 1383 474 1857
Cross-Disciplinary Community Studies 174 19 193
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 45 0 45
Integrated Learning 464 202 666
Personal Learning Plan 1709 841 2550
Total 2392 1062 3454
English English 1712 714 2426
English As A Second Language 222 44 266
English Pathways 580 120 700
Literacy For Work And Community Life 317 86 403
Total 2831 964 3795
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 234 1 235
Food And Hospitality 412 155 567
Health 218 60 278
Outdoor Education 197 168 365
Physical Education 937 268 1205
Total 1998 652 2650
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 40 0 40
Ancient Studies 73 0 73
Economics 54 45 99
Geography 96 69 165
History 186 144 330
Legal Studies 187 133 320
Media Studies 124 98 222
Philosophy 30 11 41
Religion Studies 1 289 290
Society And Culture 18 9 27
Tourism 0 9 9
Women'S Studies 13 0 13
Total 822 807 1629
Languages Australian Languages 29 0 29
Chinese (Background Speakers) 10 0 10
Chinese (Beginners) 14 0 14
Chinese (Continuers) 50 0 50
French (Beginners) 20 0 20
French (Continuers) 0 3 3
German (Beginners) 0 2 2
German (Continuers) 1 0 1
Indonesian (Beginners) 49 0 49
Indonesian (Continuers) 83 14 97
Italian (Beginners) 8 3 11
Italian (Continuers) 24 7 31
Japanese (Beginners) 51 0 51
Japanese (Continuers) 86 14 100
Modern Greek (Continuers) 14 0 14
Spanish (Beginners) 53 0 53
Spanish (Continuers) 2 0 2
Total 494 43 537
Mathematics Mathematical Applications 815 381 1196
Mathematics 873 419 1292
Mathematics Pathways 611 57 668
Numeracy For Work And Community Life 432 163 595
Total 2731 1020 3751
Sciences Biology 538 252 790
Chemistry 479 160 639
Nutrition 155 41 196
Physics 357 166 523
Psychology 329 188 517
Scientific Studies 326 63 389
Total 2184 870 3054
Self-Directed Community Learning Programs Independent Living 1 0 1
Recreation Skills And Management 0 1 1
Self Development 2 1 3
Total 3 2 5
Other Subjects Additional Status 70 32 102
Australian Air Force Cadets 3 3 6
Australian Army Cadets 1 1 2
Australian Music Examinations Board 4 2 6
Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc 0 1 1
Duke Of Edinburgh'S Award 30 32 62
Literacy 55 16 71
Numeracy 42 14 56
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 5 5 10
Sport Skills And Management 2 0 2
Work Skills And Career Development 3 0 3
Total 215 106 321

Stage 2 subject completion, by learning area (2011)

Learning AreaSubjectGovernmentNon-GovernmentTotal
Arts Composing And Arranging 3 0 3
Creative Arts 36 14 50
Dance 53 7 60
Drama 57 25 82
Ensemble Performance 11 14 25
Music Individual Study 34 5 39
Music Technology 2 7 9
Musical Styles 9 0 9
Musicianship 32 7 39
Performance Special Study 1 1 2
Solo Performance 18 14 32
Visual Arts - Art 117 32 149
Visual Arts - Design 27 14 41
Total 400 140 540
Business, Enterprise, And Technology Accounting 40 18 58
Business And Enterprise 83 34 117
Communication Products I 80 17 97
Communication Products Ii 17 12 29
Information Processing And Publishing 54 17 71
Information Technology 12 8 20
Material Products I 13 12 25
Workplace Practices 80 28 108
Total 379 146 525
Cross-Disciplinary Arts And The Community 13 4 17
Business And The Community 3 2 5
Communication And The Community 13 15 28
Cross-Disciplinary Studies 7 0 7
Design, Construction, And The Community 4 0 4
Environment And The Community 2 0 2
Foods And The Community 9 1 10
Health, Recreation, And The Community 37 6 43
Integrated Learning 135 47 182
Research Project A 1 0 1
Research Project B 1 20 21
Science And The Community 0 1 1
Technology And The Community 7 0 7
Work And The Community 34 12 46
Total 266 108 374
English English As A Second Language 46 12 58
English As Second Language Studies 107 4 111
English Communications 447 195 642
English Pathways 66 34 100
English Studies 185 81 266
Total 851 326 1177
Health And Physical Education Child Studies 70 0 70
Food And Hospitality 100 24 124
Health 78 20 98
Outdoor Education 33 5 38
Physical Education 110 57 167
Total 391 106 497
Humanities And Social Sciences Aboriginal Studies 18 0 18
Australian History 3 0 3
Classical Studies 18 0 18
Economics 20 7 27
Geography 11 9 20
Legal Studies 56 14 70
Media Studies 51 19 70
Modern History 76 39 115
Philosophy 4 0 4
Religion Studies 0 60 60
Society And Culture 53 0 53
Tourism 6 2 8
Women'S Studies 6 0 6
Total 322 150 472
Languages Chinese (Background Speakers) 5 0 5
Chinese (Beginners) 3 0 3
Chinese (Continuers) 6 0 6
Filipino (Continuers) 8 0 8
French (Beginners) 3 0 3
French (Continuers) 1 1 2
German (Continuers) 0 2 2
Indonesian (Beginners) 4 0 4
Indonesian (Continuers) 17 9 26
Italian (Beginners) 6 0 6
Italian (Continuers) 4 0 4
Japanese (Beginners) 8 0 8
Japanese (Continuers) 12 5 17
Modern Greek (Continuers) 4 0 4
Second Language Learning I 1 0 1
Spanish (Beginners) 10 1 11
Vietnamese (Background Speakers) 5 0 5
Vietnamese (Continuers) 2 0 2
Total 99 18 117
Mathematics Mathematical Applications 227 128 355
Mathematical Methods 165 90 255
Mathematical Studies 156 49 205
Mathematics Pathways 84 13 97
Specialist Mathematics 35 10 45
Total 667 290 957
Sciences Biology 128 83 211
Chemistry 138 39 177
Nutrition 42 11 53
Physics 91 39 130
Psychology 103 40 143
Scientific Studies 66 10 76
Total 568 222 790
Other Subjects Australian Music Examinations Board 1 1 2
Royal Life Saving Society Australia 1 0 1
Total 2 1 3

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