Indigenous Education Strategy

The Northern Territory Government commissioned the A Share in the Future Review in 2013 to get an informed understanding of the impact of programs and initiatives and to make recommendations to optimise education and training outcomes for Indigenous students.

A review of Indigenous education in the Northern Territory (NT), published in 2014, made a number of recommendations which were endorsed by the government.

A 10-year Indigenous Education Strategy was developed to implement these recommendations.

The Indigenous Education Strategy (The Strategy) outlines the Department of Education’s commitment to the Northern Territory (NT) Government Everyone Together: Aboriginal Affairs Strategy 2019-2029 and the NT’s commitment to national initiatives such as Closing the Gap.

Implementation plan

The Indigenous Education Strategy (The Strategy) framework was designed for delivery in four stages.

  • Stage 1: 2015 – 2017 (Completed)
  • Stage 2: 2018 – 2020 (Operational activities extended)
  • Stage 3: 2021 – 2023 (Timeframe revised)
  • Stage 4: 2024 - Final evaluation

The Strategy’s five elements are:

  1. foundations - Indigenous children entering primary schooling have the skills and attributes they need to succeed in their education
  2. essentials - Indigenous students achieve age benchmarks in literacy and numeracy in their primary years of schooling and plan for their secondary education with confidence
  3. pathways - Indigenous students complete schooling well equipped to take up employment, training and higher education opportunities
  4. engagement - Indigenous children at all stages of schooling attend school regularly and are supported in their education by their families and community
  5. workforce - Indigenous student outcomes are improved through a consistent system-wide approach to providing highly skilled and motivated educators and leaders.

Stage 1

The three-year delivery of stage one was completed in 2017.

An external evaluation of stage one was conducted by ACIL Allen Consulting in partnership with the Batchelor Institute.

Further information:

Stage 2

Consultations with stakeholders, including school communities and the external evaluation, collectively informed the development of stage two of the Strategy. Stage two implementation incorporated the government’s commitment to community engagement and local decision-making including community-led schools.

Stage 2 has been extended and the operational activities are continuing, including:

  • Families as First Teachers program
  • Remote Aboriginal Teacher Education
  • Transition support to improve the transition of our remote young people to middle and high school
  • Support for community engagement and local decision making in our schools.

These operational activities all continue to be delivered and implemented throughout the Northern Territory.

The NT Education Engagement Strategy (EES)

In 2022, the Department of Education developed the NT Education Engagement Strategy 2022-2031 (Engagement Strategy).

Developed through the guidance from an expert education reference group and education leaders reference group, the strategy reflects the voices heard through broad consultation of students, young children, families, community, and key stakeholders in the Northern Territory.

There is a strong alignment between the key programs of the Indigenous Education Strategy and  and deliverables of the Engagement Strategy, with both aiming to improve engagement in education across the NT education sector.

Table 1: Alignment between key programs of the Indigenous Education Strategies and deliverables of the Engagement Strategy

Indigenous Education Strategy

Education Engagement Strategy 2022-2031

Engagement and Attendance Strategies

Goal One – Education is a Partnership Key Deliverables:

  • Work with communities, taking a place-based approach, to embed cultural and two-way   learning in and through the curriculum
  • Establish a   Youth Voice Peak Group
  • Establish an   Aboriginal education advisory group in Darwin, Top End, East Arnhem, Big   Rivers, Barkly and Central

Remote Aboriginal Teacher Education and Assistant Teacher Development

Goal 2 – The Right People Key Deliverable:

  • Expand the Remote Aboriginal Teacher Education program to   increase the number of Aboriginal educators in the NT

Community Engagement and Local Decision Making

Goal One – Education is a Partnership Key Deliverable:

  • Establish an Aboriginal education advisory group in Darwin, Top   End, East Arnhem, Big Rivers, Barkly and Central

For more information on the NT education engagement strategy 2022 to 2031.

Review of IES

Upon planning for stage 3, it was recommended that a long-term summative review be developed.

In the interim it was agreed to continue the Stage 2 operational activities while the department  plans the review of the IES deliverables.

Further information:


Strategic Engagement Partnerships
08 8944 9365

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