Education research

The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training values evidence informed practice, driven by high quality educational research and analysis.

The department is committed to the benefits which quality research can deliver to students, schools and the education system more broadly.

All researchers who wish to conduct research or an evaluation in the NT must submit an application to the department if their project involves:

  • NT Government school students
  • children, parents, caregivers or community members recruited via the school
  • departmental employees - including teachers, support staff and corporate staff
  • data held by the department that is not already publicly available or that is departmental intellectual property.

Applying to conduct research

The department encourages research that:

  • aligns with the Education NT Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • is of benefit or value to students, schools, the department, and the NT
  • has a strong evidence base
  • has a quality research design
  • contributes new knowledge and/or builds on prior research.

The approval process can take up to a minimum of 10 weeks. Timelines will be impacted by the complexity and completeness of your application.

The final decision on whether a school participates in a research project sits with the relevant school principal, and each individual for whom participation remains voluntary.

Tips for applying

Research applications should:

  • clearly demonstrate alignment to Education NT Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • clearly explain the expected benefits to students and schools
  • be written in clear language and be grammatically correct
  • have clearly articulated research questions and appropriate methodology
  • be complete and have all supporting documentation attached.

Data requests

Significant data holdings are available publicly on:

National websites also publish useful education data:

We encourage researchers to submit a research application if they plan to use publicly available departmental data as part of their research.

How to apply

A summary of the application process is shown below. Further detail is included within the research guidelines to assist with the application development and data request process:

Please follow these guidelines carefully to avoid delays in the approval process.

WHO: Researcher


WHO: Department of Education and Training (and if required, researcher)


  • Confirm receipt of application and provide reference number to researcher.
  • Engage with content experts internally to assess application.
  • If required, seek further information and/or clarify application with researcher (Note: this will extend the timeline for approval).
  • Complete research application assessment according to key assessment criteria.

WHO: Department of Education and Training


  • Email researcher outcome letter of the department’s delegate supporting/not supporting their research application.
  • If the application is conditionally supported, the researcher must provide a response to the conditions outlined in the letter of conditional support within 14 days. If these conditions are met, a letter of full support will be provided.

WHO: Researcher/principal


  • Invite schools to participate, noting the decision to participate is at the discretion of the school principal and relevant individuals.
  • Obtain consent from the relevant principal and individual participants.
  • Researchers must email a list of participating schools to the department once consent has been obtained.

WHO: Researcher (and Department of Education and Training)


  • Email the department's Performance and Strategic Reporting team at Include:
    • outcome letter from the department
    • brief overview of scope of research and data requirements
    • completed participant consent forms (if applicable) and
    • a copy of application form.
  • The Performance team will then work with the researcher regarding data provision.

WHO: Researcher


  • Undertake research.
  • Advise department of schools engaged.

WHO: Researcher


  • Email the department to request changes to your supported research.

WHO: Department of Education and Training


  • Monitor capacity of schools engaged in research.
  • Advise School and System Improvement Design Unit and senior executives of research.

WHO: Researcher


  • Provide a summary of research findings, final report, and any publications to the department 30 days prior to publishing.

WHO: Department of Education and Training


  • Review report and develop summary of findings.
  • Circulate summary of findings to relevant business area.

Research involving non-government schools

Researchers who seek to include NT catholic and/or independent schools are required to apply individually to the NT Catholic Education Office, or the Association of Independent Schools NT (AISNT) as relevant.


If you have any questions about the research application process, or research being conducted in NT Government education sites:
Phone: 08 8999 3554

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