School based apprenticeships and traineeships training delivery

School based apprenticeships and traineeships qualifications

In consultation with stakeholders, the department will determine and identify qualifications suitable to be undertaken as school based apprenticeships and traineeships.

Qualification levels

School based apprenticeships and traineeships are available in most Certificate II and III level qualifications. Applications to undertake Certificate IV level qualifications and above will only be considered where the qualification has been determined by industry to be entry level and will be assessed by the department on a case-by-case basis.

Nominal duration

The nominal duration of a school based apprenticeship and traineeship qualification will be prescribed by the department in accordance with current approval processes. Information regarding the nominal duration for each qualification is available on the NT apprenticeship and traineeship database.

Training modes

Training may be delivered by the RTO off the job, on the job or a combination of both. The pattern of school, work and training must be negotiated between the school, employer, school based apprentice’s or trainee’s parent or guardian and the RTO prior to commencement of a school based apprenticeship or traineeship and should be flexible in order to reflect the learning needs of individual school based apprentices or trainees.

Training delivery location

RTOs should, where possible, ensure that off the job training is delivered locally. Where local delivery is not feasible students may apply to the Apprenticeships Northern Territory provider to access the Apprentice and Trainee Travel and Accommodation Subsidy Scheme. Off the job training for school based apprentices or trainees must be delivered in the NT.

Parents, guardians and schools are responsible for ensuring appropriate accommodation and supervision arrangements are in place for school based apprentices and trainees required to travel to attend training.

Approval will not be granted for school based apprenticeships and traineeships to travel interstate to attend off the job training.

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