Apprenticeships / traineeships:
A legally binding national contract of training between an employer and an apprentice or trainee (and a parent or guardian if under 18 years) that combines structured training with paid employment.
Apprenticeships are generally at Certificate III level and above in the traditional trade occupations such as builders, construction workers, plumbers, mechanics and electricians, as well as other occupations such as chefs, butchers and hairdressers. Apprenticeships may take three to four years to complete (however, competency based training principles must be applied).
Traineeships are more common in industries such as retail, hospitality, business services, information technology and community services and are usually one to two years in duration, or more for higher level and management qualifications. Competency based training principles must be applied.
The apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications that are approved under the NT Training and Skills Development Act are listed on the NT apprenticeships and traineeships database.
Apprentice Connect Australia provider:
The organisation contracted by the NT and Australian governments to provide a range of administrative, support and regulatory services. These include:
- provision of information and advice to employers, apprentices, trainees and other interested parties
- administering the contract of training and assessing eligibility for NT and Australian government incentives ad funding
- monitoring apprentices and trainees in the workplace and with the RTO.
Australian qualifications framework (AQF):
The policy framework that defines all qualifications recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and training within Australia. The AQF comprises titles and guidelines, which define each qualification, together with principles and protocols covering articulation and issuance of qualifications and statements of attainment.
Credit transfer:
The granting of status or credit by a RTO to students for modules (subjects) or units of competency completed at the same or another RTO.
National training package:
An integrated set of nationally endorsed competency standards, assessment guidelines and AQF qualifications for a specified industry, industry sector or enterprise.
Out of trade apprentice / trainee:
Refers to a person whose contract of training has been cancelled prior to completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship qualification, but who continues to receive relevant off-the-job training while making every endeavour to find another employer to continue and complete their apprenticeship / traineeship.
Learner support:
Is the provision of resources and instructional strategies that give students the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual support needed to improve their commitment and outcomes in the teaching and learning environment.
Contract of training:
A legally binding agreement between an employer and an apprentice or trainee. It allows for the apprentice / trainee to undertake structured training that leads to a nationally recognised qualification. It specifies the rights and obligations of both parties. If the apprentice / trainee is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign the contract of training.
Training plan:
Outlines the skills or competencies that the apprentice / trainee should achieve during the apprenticeship / traineeship. A training plan must be completed regardless of whether the training will take place on or off the job or a combination of both. The RTO is responsible for negotiating the content of the training plan with the employer, apprentice / trainee and parent / guardian (when required). The training plan must be consistent with the national training plan principles and meet the qualification packaging rules of the training package.
The training plan must be developed and lodged with Apprentice Connect Australia provider within the probation period of the apprenticeship.
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