Recommendation 1

It was recommended that the Department of Education:

Urgently review its approach to administration arrangements in relation to school autonomy, budgets and the school resourcing model, and put in place greater guidance and accountability measures and stronger scrutiny of funding provided to government schools.

The review of administration arrangements should include but not be limited to:

  • the principal initiative code and guidance
  • cash and credit funding components
  • discretionary expenditure
  • travel
  • gifts, benefits and hospitality
  • recruitment
  • use of funds as outlined in the Education Act
  • conflict of interest.

The review should include in its remit the development of policy and guidelines, communication, training and implementation.”


This recommendation is in progress.

The department has several projects underway to address all elements of this recommendation.

Some components of this recommendation have been addressed in the Finance and Resource Management for Schools manual (refer to recommendation 2 for further details).

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