Conditions of entry

  • The closing time and date for all nominations is midday ACST, Friday 7 May 2025. Nominations will not be accepted after this date.
  • Nominees must be permanent residents of Australia, reside in the Northern Territory and meet all eligibility criteria.
  • Nominees may apply for one award category only and must not accept any nomination for a similar award in another State or Territory in the same year.
  • It is compulsory for all finalists to attend the Ambassadors Weekend in Darwin from 19-20 July 2025. Finalists will be responsible for making their own arrangements to take leave from work or study commitments for that weekend. Following the Ambassadors Weekend, finalists are required to attend their allocated judging appointment (time to be advised) on Monday 21 July 2025. Finalists are required to attend to attend the Finalist and Sponsors Function held the evening of on Monday 21 July 2025.
  • All finalists are required to attend the Gala Dinner in Darwin on Saturday 13 September 2025.
  • The Department of Education and Training will pay reasonable travel costs for those finalists who reside outside of a 100km radius of Darwin City. Please contact the team to confirm your specific travel entitlements prior to agreeing to attend all events.
  • Failure to attend the Ambassadors Weekend in full will void your nomination as a finalist in the NT Training Awards and is at the full discretion of the Department of Education and Training.
  • Award winners of applicable categories must be able to represent the Northern Territory at the Australian Training Awards (ATA), and participate in the ATA Ambassadors Week program. Award winners will be responsible for making their own arrangements to take leave from work or study commitments for the entire week of the national awards.
  • Nominees must agree to abide by the decision of the judging panel, which is final and cannot be appealed.
  • All nominees must comply with the Department of Education and Training standards in regards to training, workplace health and safety, and industrial relations matters. Consequently, Award Coordinators may refuse to proceed with a nomination at any time where an organisation or individual is under investigation by the Department of Education and Training or has any unresolved issues with the Department.
  • Finalists and winners must agree to have their photographs; profiles and training details used for promotional purposes by the Northern Territory Government through its agency the Department of Education and Training.

Talent Release - Use of imagery

Before you agree to any images or audio recordings of you, as a finalist, being used by the Northern Territory Government, there are some important things you need to know:

  • The Northern Territory Government will store your images digitally in its photographic library database. The talent release form that you agree to, on submitting your nomination, will be filed with your images. Once stored in the database, your images may be used by any Northern Territory Government department or agency for a wide variety of purposes, ongoing, until advised otherwise by you in writing.
  • Your images cannot be shared with any person, organisation or company outside of the Northern Territory Government, other than those specified, without your express permission. This includes private companies, political parties, and charitable organisations. Images may be shared with a Minister’s office in relation to a project, initiative and/or awareness messaging.
  • Your images may be used in a variety of applications. Some of the typical places could include printed brochures and flyers, newspaper advertising, magazines and journals, television commercials, radio commercials, government events and displays, newsletters, websites and social media channels, outdoor billboards and banners, bus advertising and others as required. Your image may be used in situations that are unrelated to the original purpose for which they were taken.
  • It can be quite a surprise to see your photograph blown up two metres tall at a display, or to suddenly find yourself appearing on television. You need to be aware that your photograph may be used in these situations unless you ask for it not to be. If there are circumstances where you do not want your photo used the department needs to be advised of this in writing.
  • If you have a photograph taken and no longer want it used you can contact the NT Training Awards team via the contact details noted on this form to advise them of this change.
  • If you identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent, we are required to collect this information as the NT Government delivers a wide range of services and public information programs specifically designed to reach Territorians who identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. We appreciate that there may be certain cultural sensitivities about using your image, you are entitled to access and amend the information provided by you

DET Privacy Statement

You are providing your personal information to the Department of Education and Training (DET) or your personal information has been provided by a third party to DET (for example, your trainer, a registered training organisation or your employer) for the purpose of your nomination for, and subsequent participation in, the Northern Territory Training Awards (NTTA).

Your information will only be shared as necessary with relevant staff, judges and event organisers to progress your nomination and support your attendance to events and activities associated with the NTTA program including the Ambassadors Weekend, judging interviews and the gala awards dinner.

If you are an awarded NTTA winner and eligible to progress to the Australian Training Awards (ATA), your information will only be shared as necessary with relevant ATA staff, ATA judges and ATA event organisers to progress your nomination and support your attendance to events and activities associated with the ATA program including the ATA Ambassadors Week, ATA judging interviews and the ATA gala awards dinner.

DET will otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with the Office of the Information Commissioner Northern Territory’s Information Privacy Principles which outlines how you can access or seek to correct your personal information, or lodge a complaint about a breach of the Northern Territory’s Information Privacy Principles.

If you choose not to provide your personal information, DET will be unable to progress your nomination. For further information on privacy, visit the Office of the Information Commissioner Northern Territory website.

Nomination information

Thinking of nominating for the awards? Individuals and businesses can put themselves forward, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Nominations are open to VET providers, employers, industry, and the wider community. Whether nominating yourself or someone else, ensure they meet the criteria and are willing to participate.

Individuals and businesses can nominate themselves, providing they meet the eligibility criteria. Eligibility will be checked throughout the nomination open period and the team may contact you requesting more information to be provided for your nomination to be considered.

Nominations in all categories are welcome from vocational education and training (VET) providers, employers and industry, other organisations and groups in the VET system as well as individuals and the wider community.

Applicants can download blank versions of the nomination forms via the portal allowing you to complete the application offline before submitting. We highly recommend that you save a version of your entry offline in the rare situation the system doesn’t save your information.

Use of AI systems

AI systems can be helpful in these nomination situations, however, we recommend you use it as a tool and not to answer questions completely. You must always read the details any AI system generates to ensure it is inline with your answers.

Discretion is with the NTTA team and judges for entries to not be considered if it is apparent care has not been taken to complete the answers yourself, but rather completely using an AI system.


Individuals can only apply for one award per year (ensuring they meet the eligibility criteria) and must not accept any nomination for any similar award in another state or territory in the nominating year.

Individuals that have completed more than one qualification in the eligible time frame must choose only one qualification to base their nomination. We do encourage that you detail any additional courses you have completed in your responses.


Businesses may apply for more than one category provided they meet the eligibility criteria and clearly differentiate the information in their application for each category.

In the case of employers and training providers with activities in more than one state, only the training activities in the NT will be considered for the NTTA award.

Where an organisation has more than one workplace in the NT it must choose to apply as a Territory-wide business or as an individual workplace. If an organisation applies as an individual workplace it must lodge separate applications for each workplace that may decide to apply.

In the case of registered training organisations, the head office must be based in the NT and the application should be for the entire NT operation, not one campus or location.

Businesses that have a head office in another state may apply for an NT award provided they/their office meets the NTTA eligibility criteria, however, they may not be eligible to proceed to the Australian Training Awards (ATA) as at national level they must represent the state or territory that their head office is based.

Previous winners and finalists may nominate for the NTTA or be nominated again if they meet the eligibility requirements. Please refer to the ATA eligibility each year to confirm if your nomination can progress to national level.

If you finished your training contract and have moved to another employer, you can be nominated by your previous employer or by your training provider, or you could nominate yourself.

Please ensure you are able to provide a letter of support and endorsement if applicable as noted in the eligibility criteria of the award.

You can apply for any award that you qualification meets the criteria for, however if you wish to apply for the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year award with proof of descent as required by the eligibility criteria.

You must choose which category to apply for and may only apply in one category per year.

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