School Education Advisory Group

Purpose of SEAG

SEAG provides a forum between the Department of Education (the department), Australian Education Union Northern Territory (AEU NT), NT Principals’ Association (NTPA), NT Council of Government School Organisations (NT COGSO), Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA), and Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT (APO NT).


The group is paramount to providing advice to the department as an advisory body. The group’s function is to provide a strategic forum for:

  • presentation and collaboration on strategic education policy and programs
  • considering opportunities for strategic improvement for government schools
  • aligning collective efforts as relevant for the benefit of Territory students.


Membership is held by the following departmental positions, or by individuals acting in those positions, unless otherwise directed by the Chief Executive:

  • Chief Executive, Department of Education (Chair)
  • Deputy Chief Executive Agency Services, Department of Education (Deputy Chair)
  • Deputy Chief Executive Regional Services, Department of Education (Deputy Chair)
  • Acting Senior Director, Educational Leadership Culture and Care
  • President, Australian Education Union
  • President, NT Council of Government Schools Organisation
  • Executive Officer, NT Council of Government Schools Organisation
  • President, NT Principals’ Association
  • President, Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association Northern Territory
  • Chairperson, Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory
  • Education Minister’s Adviser, Education Minister’s Office’

Meeting frequency

  • The group will meet on a quarterly basis.
  • Additional meetings may be convened if the Chair or Deputy Chair agrees that an urgent special purpose meeting is required to consider a matter that:
    • has a high impact in accordance with the decision-making guidelines; and
    • requires an urgent decision due to the level of risk and realisation and sensitivity of the matter.
  • In circumstances where a recommendation is required and a meeting cannot be convened within an appropriate timeframe, a decision may be made by members out-of-session.


For further information or clarification, contact the SEAG secretariat on or 08 8999 5754

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